The Hallway (God Moments)

Maybe it was at the age of five or six.  Seven at the outside.  There is no recollection of the season, much less the date.  But it happened in the basement of a Presbyterian Church in Bremerton, Washington.  And there was a Sunday school room at the end of the corridor.  That much is sure.  The rest is dark.  The classroom itself is without form - void of any detail.  The teacher is faceless.  Any other classmates that one would assume to have been present are unknown.    What was said is a mystery.  Was it a story?  Was it an encouraging smile?  Was it a song?

It all lies deep and dormant.

But walking out into the hallway from that Sunday school room, there was a sense of joy and peace.  It happened and it was real.  The faith of a child had somehow been kindled.  A completely simple hope had been conceived.  A totally uncomplicated love had been accepted.  All rolled together in just one word – Jesus.

Other words would come much later.  Godly words like trinity and heaven and hell and prophecy and sin to name a very few.  Scholarly words like science and evolution, religion and ethics.  Earthly words like sex and greed and fear.  Words that challenge a mind of greater maturity.  Words that can boggle the mind when the thoughts are allowed to run.  Words that can test a word like faith. 

The tests continue to this day.  Trials as well.  Doubt is continually probing for a weakness, an advantage.   And at times, there is retreat into the words which come with proclamation of comfort, gratification, and security….only to run out like waves on the sand and leaving the mortal without hope.  And then, somehow that faith of a child flares to life again and the soul becomes thirsty to commune with our Lord and Savior.