The Justification of Political Complacency (God Moments)

DISCLAIMER:  Much of what is posted on this blog is what I like to call Pollyanna prose.  Writings written by me, to me, and for me.  Tools, if you will, to help me in my struggle to understand this thing we call life with an emphasis on the things that I find to be good, beautiful, and joyful.  In addition, my hope has been that you the casual reader will also find the accounts to be predominantly optimistic and uplifting.  Today's entry....not so much.  My heart has been troubled lately to the degree that I've lost sleep and now I find myself in need of a cathartic release that writing provides.  What follows is a banquet of theology according to Doug with a large slice of politics for dessert.  You may agree with some of my thoughts.  You may disagree with all of my conclusions.  So be it.  Regardless our degree of likemindedness, I doubt you'll be cheered.  Proceed at your peril but if you do read further, please read every word to the last period.  On we go.

Recently, a good friend asked me to join him on a local street corner for a political demonstration.  We share some political ideology and he thought I might find the experience worthwhile.  Those of you who know me well have probably guessed that I declined the invitation.  Not to be deterred, my friend later sent me the email addresses of various political figures with the hopes that I'd voice my concerns.  This too was followed by a bowing-out but it did move me into a space of wonder - why was my "no thanks, that's not for me" almost instinctual?  Perhaps my spiritual compass was sitting on a chunk of iron.  Indeed, the political, economic, and social fabrics of our country have been concerning for a while now, culminating in my fitful night's rest.  Maybe action, any action, would be better than sitting and stewing.

I decided to review some of the basic tenets by which I try to live.

My first stop was Matthew 22:15-22.  This passage describes how the Pharisees tried to trap Jesus by asking him whether it was lawful to pay taxes to Caesar.  Jesus asked them to show him the coin used for paying the tax, and they presented him with a denarius, which bore Caesar's image.  To which Christ responded:

"Render therefore to Caesar the things that Caesar's,
and to God the things that are God's."

So, as a citizen of the United States, what does "render to Caesar" mean?  To me it means to pay all taxes required, military service if called, jury duty if called, and voting my conscience.  Some might cross off voting if they consider it a privilege as opposed to a responsibility while others might add "demonstrate" if they view the voicing their opinion as a responsibility and not merely a privilege.    In addition, citizens of other countries probably have a different set of dues to "render" to their government.  Regardless, God has given me peace with the four responsibilities listed. 

The next passage in my review came from the Apostle Paul in his epistle to the Romans.  Romans 13:1 says:

"Let every soul be subject to the governing authorities.
For there is no authority except from God, 
and the authorities that exist are appointed by God."

Now it may be easy to accept that premise at face value when it comes to Washington, Lincoln, or Churchill.  It's harder to fathom, much less reconcile that with the governing of Hitler, Stalin, or the infamous Pol Pot.  Suffice to say that God's purpose with the latter three and His logic therein is well beyond my pay grade.   I'll simply defer to Job's faith in the midst of his trials.  Job was suffering immensely, having lost his possessions, his children, and his health when his wife in her distress scolded Job with "Curse God and die."  Job 2:10 records Job's response to her:

"Shall we indeed accept good from God,
and shall we not accept adversity?"

Then, verse 10 concludes with:

 "In all this Job did not sin with his lips".

Indeed, trials come to all of us in many forms.  Some within a national scope.  Others confined to a faulty heart valve.  Yes, trials of many varieties are part of God's plan.  Not only within the micro, personal level but the macro, international level as well.  In all of them Satan lurks on the other side of the coin with whispers of temptation, "curse God and die".  All easy to say as I put pen to paper, but mercy, what would have become of our souls (me foremost) had we been born in 1920's Germany?

Back to Romans 13.  Paul expands upon the role of Christ's followers within their given governments in verses 2 through 7 with exhortations to be submissive to authorities with obedience, not resistance.  Then to pay taxes to whom taxes are due.  Lastly, but hardly the least, give appropriate respect and honor to our leaders.  Ouch! - that last one hit me right between the eyes.  My guilt lies with disrespect and dishonor to various authorities who have deserved better throughout the years.  The walk isn't easy - not an excuse, just a fact.
Well, I need go no further with my review.  The evaluation process has reminded me that by the Grace of God and by His Grace alone have I been blessed to live in the United States of America during the most prosperous period in all of history.  A period of time overflowing with life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.  Yet, while the privilege exists, it seems clear that the God I follow does not expect me to march a picket line - but that's just me in my own individual journey.  I fully understand and applaud my friend's commitment to demonstrate.  However, I do find that God has provided me this forum, however humble, and my heart remains troubled.  Let me speak and maybe the reasons for my sleeplessness will become clearer - if you care.

My concerns are many and I could itemize them one-by-one but each element is either self-evident or it's not.  It's sufficient to say that agendas are in motion and not all of the agendas have been spoken.  The outcomes of the actions are even less certain.  Many of you may be inferring that I'm referring to the Trump Administration now but in fact I'm implying that God is moving. 

Please, humor me now.  Let's finish up with a little group participation.  Here we go:

Make America Great Again

The words in and of themselves don't mean much.  Simple sound bytes.  Yet, those four little words are everywhere and I wonder how many times they're repeated everyday throughout our nation.  Maybe you've said them yourself.  If not out loud, you've surely read them in the quiet of your mind.  It is not by accident that almost every picture that you see of Donald Trump and/or Elon Musk presents them with a hat inscribed with those four simple words. 

Say it with me, right out loud if you dare....Make America Great Again.

Guaranteed - God heard every word from every soul and further God knows every heart and every mind.  God knows our motives better than we know ourselves.  I fear that some of the words just spoken, out loud or in silence, were directed towards Donald Trump.  Be careful what you ask for.  Those four little words addressed to anyone other that God Himself still find their way to the ears of God and echo as murmurs at best, idolatry at worst.  On the other hand, when those words are directed towards God in humility, then God hears them as a prayer of supplication.  I hope that's how he heard all words spoken here and now.  Then maybe, just maybe, God will let His face shine upon our nation and God will make America great again.  God did it the first time.  God can easily do it again.  

Just to be perfectly clear:  I believe that Donald Trump is God's agent of judgement upon America, not an envoy of salvation.    

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